卡萨布兰卡歌词making love_卡萨布兰卡歌词|环球新资讯
有关卡萨布兰卡歌词making love_卡萨布兰卡歌词这方面的知识,估计很多人不是太了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于卡萨布兰卡歌词making love_卡萨布兰卡歌词的相关内容。
1、卡萨布兰卡 - 未知 看着卡萨布兰卡这部片时,我爱上了你当时汽车电影院的后排灯光闪烁不定爆米花和可乐在星光下变成了香槟和鱼子酱我们在漫长的而燥热的夏夜里尽情欢笑我以为在看卡萨布兰卡时,你爱上了我在点着烛光的里克咖啡馆里的吊扇下牵手我们躲在聚光灯照不到的阴影里你的眼里映着摩洛哥的月光随着电影在我那辆旧雪佛莱里变着魔术噢!卡萨布兰卡的亲吻依旧但没有了你的叹息。
3、我也感受到那种伤痛随着时光流逝,我一天比一天更爱你Casablanca I fell in love with you watching Casablanca, Back row at the driving show in the flickering light. Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars Became champagne and caviar Making love on the long hot summer’s night. I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca Holding hands beneath the paddle fans in Rick’s candle-lit cafe Hiding in the shadows from the spots A rocky moonlight in your arms Making magic in the movie in my old Chevrolet Oh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca A kiss is not a kiss without your sign Please come back to me in Casablanca I love you more and more each day as time goes by I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca You know I’ve never really been there So I don’t know I guess our love story will never be seen On the big wide silver screen when I had to watch you go。